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Tweseldown Infant School

Tweseldown Infant School

Forest School

Beyond the Gate at Tweseldown

Making the most of the amazing nature area, the children of Tweseldown have regular Forest School sessions to enrich their curriculum.

Lead by Mrs Dear, our qualified Level 3 Forest School Leader, the children are holistically enriched through a mixture free play & exploration; flora and fauna activities; natural art and craft; bushcraft and survival skills; gardening – and so much more!

Beyond the Gate, away from the confines of the classroom walls, the children immerse themselves in nature, learn intrinsically and are given opportunity to direct their own learning through a child-led approach to the sessions.

The Year 1 and 2 classes have three half terms of weekly Beyond the Gate sessions across the year – enabling them to experience the site in different seasons. The Reception classes and Dragonflies are also given opportunities throughout the year for sessions.

What is Forest School?


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Forest School is a specialist approach to learning which has its origins from educational practices in Scandinavia where they embrace a culture of “friluftsliv” (outdoor life).

In Britain, the introduction of Forest School settings, at nursery level, began in the 1990’s and has gained momentum throughout the 2000’s across all sectors of education. Since the establishment of The Forest School Association in 2012, six principles have been established to promote best practice by Forest School practitioners.

  • Forest School takes place in a woodland or natural environment;
  • Forest School aims to promote the holistic development of all involved;
  • Forest School uses a range of learner centred processes;
  • Forest School offers learners the opportunity to take supported, appropriate risks;
  • Forest School is a long term process of regular sessions;
  • Forest School is run by qualified practitioners