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Tweseldown Infant School

Tweseldown Infant School

Reception Year

Welcome Back!

We all hope that everyone had a good and restful half term. We are so proud of how well the children have settled into school life! Their kindness, resilience and determination has just been wonderful to witness. Everyone is excited for another amazing half term of learning. This half term, the topic is ‘Celebrations.’

Exploring Celebrations - The children will be looking at a variety of celebrations, including Fireworks Night, birthdays, and Christmas. They will also explore celebrations from around the world, such as Diwali, Hanukkah, and Eid. The children will learn how different cultures celebrate these occasions and will consider what things they celebrate in their own families. We will be reading a variety of books with the children and will use these to create party invitations, shopping lists, cards for their friends, and many more fun projects. The children will practise their sewing skills, creating baubles and will even enjoy some Christmas baking!

Introducing Drawing Club - The children will be starting ‘Drawing Club’ in their English lessons! In this club, they will focus on a text, video, or piece of music related to a celebration. From this, they will learn different types of vocabulary linked to each celebration. After that, the children will draw their own pictures and begin to write special codes that will make their drawings come alive!

Phonics Progress - In phonics, the children will be moving on to phase 3 sounds. This phase includes digraphs (two letters that make one sound, like ‘ee’) and trigraphs (three letters that make one sound, like ‘air’). They will learn fun actions to remember these sounds and practice writing different words using them. These sounds will continue to come home on Fridays, and your child will love teaching you all the sounds they have learned throughout the week!

Maths Learning - In maths, the children will continue to build their number knowledge. They will learn how to create different numbers up to 5, compare quantities, and practice ordering numbers. The children will also work on counting groups of objects accurately, helping them become more confident with their math skills!

Exciting Christmas Activities - As the half term comes to a close, the children will enjoy lots of fun Christmas activities, including performing the Nativity! Everyone is excited to share this special time with you. Get ready for a wonderful celebration filled with joy and creativity!

As always, we believe that our partnership with parents is key to the children’s success. If you ever have any questions or queries please chat to us on the door, write in your child’s reading record or give the office a call.

We cannot wait to continue supporting your child on their learning journey for another amazing half term filled with fun!

The Year R Team