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Tweseldown Infant School

Tweseldown Infant School


The Thrive Approach helps us to support and meet the needs of every individual child.

The Thrive Approach is a therapeutic and developmental framework used in schools to support children’s emotional and social development. At Tweseldown Infant School we have invested in the Thrive Approach. It is now becoming embedded in our school ethos as well as the ‘golden thread’ which entwines our vision of the curriculum, perfectly. Thrive focusses on understanding the needs behind a child’s behaviour by providing targeted support to help them flourish. 

What are the benefits of Thrive?

• Thrive helps to develop resilience in young people.

• Thrive leads to better relationships between home and school.

• Staff using the Thrive Approach feel more equipped to manage behaviour and better able to support more vulnerable children.

• Thrive closes the gap for vulnerable children across a range of measures including attainment, behaviour, relationships, self-confidence, and attendance.

• Thrive promotes productive learning for all children. There are fewer disruptions in class and improved academic results for all children.

Why do we do what we do?

Through positive relationships, our priority is to care for every child in a safe and friendly environment. To help us achieve this, we have fully embraced the Thrive Approach. The Education Endowment Foundation suggests that teaching staff who are trained to improve emotional wellbeing help children make substantial attainment progress.

The Thrive approach works seamlessly in enhancing our values as a school as we place the emotional, spiritual and moral wellbeing of our children at the forefront of all we do with kindness to self and others.