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Tweseldown Infant School

Tweseldown Infant School


Attendance for the academic year 2017 – 2018 was 95.7%

Good attendance and punctuality at school are essential for children's learning. Please call the office before 10am if your child is ill explaining what the illness is.

Children should be kept off for 48 hours after the last bout of sickness or diarrhea. Please read our ‘Fit to be at school policy’.

Leave of absence

At Tweseldown Infant School, we take the issue of attendance very seriously. We expect every child’s level of attendance to be at least 95%. We also expect children to arrive in the classroom before the register is taken at 8.45am. Families with persistent lateness and/or absence will be referred to the Local Authority which includes the Legal Intervention Team.

Why is regular attendance important?

There is a vast amount of evidence to show that children who have below average attendance are at a severe disadvantage. Having a good education will help to give your child the best possible start in life. Every lesson in school matters and if your child is often absent it will result in gaps in their learning. This may interrupt the continuity of their education and impede their progress. If your child does not attend school regularly they will miss out on other aspects of school life. They may find it difficult to form friendship groups and may miss out on social events. They may miss letters home or information which needs a response. This can affect their ability to feel part of the school community.

If there are exceptional circumstances you must apply for a leave of absence by completing a form available from the office. However authorised absences are not automatically granted.

Once you have registered your child at a school it is your responsibility to make sure that he/she attends regularly and non-attendance might result in penalties for non-attendance. Please view

In addition to this we expect medical and dentist appointments to be made for after school or during the holidays whenever possible.  If you are unable to arrange this, please complete a Leave of Absence form, which can be obtained from the school office.

We thank you for your cooperation in this matter.