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Tweseldown Infant School

Tweseldown Infant School

Reception Year

How time flies when you’re having fun! We cannot believe it is approaching our last half term in Reception, but what a topic we have to finish off the year… ‘What a wonderful world!’ 

On Tuesday 4th June, the whole of reception will be going on a school trip to West Wittering beach. Prior to the trip, the children will look at where West Wittering is on a map, and we will make predictions about what we will see. Afterwards, the children will make comparisons between where we live and what it is like living by the beach. Hopefully the children will be able to collect some shells from the beach so we can make some beautiful artwork with them.  

We will start the summer term by learning about recycling. Our first key text will be ‘There’s a Rang-Tan in my bedroom’ By James Sellick. The children will describe the little girl in the story, and think about the thoughts and feelings of the orang-utan. We will learn about empathy, and think about ways we can help to protect the animals who live on our planet. We will look at an orang-utan’s natural habitat and find out where in the world there are rainforests.  

Our next key text will be ‘Clean Up!’ By Nathan Bryon and Dapo Adeola. The children will look at the process of recycling, and will have first-hand experiences of sorting materials. They will make their own recycling posters and will learn about the term ‘biodegradable’. The children will also get chance to do some litter-picking both around school and around the local area.  

We will then read the story ‘Pirate Mouse’ By Kirstie Watson. The children will learn about pirates and exploring, using our school setting to make and practise using pirate maps. They will work with a friend to hide some treasure, then give instructions for how to find it. Keep an eye out for a message about our ‘pirate day’ – the children will get to come to school dressed as a pirate and take part in lots of fun, themed activities.  

Towards the end of the year, the children will start to complete lots of transition activities to start getting them ready for year 1. We will read the story ‘The Koala who could’ by Rachel Bright which helps children to understand that change is a normal part of life, and helps children to learn strategies to cope with change. As always, please speak to your child’s class teacher if you have any concerns, as we strongly believe that communication is the key to success.   

We are thoroughly looking forward to our last half term together – it’s going to be action packed and full of fun and laughter; we can’t wait to get started again! 

The Reception Team