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Tweseldown Infant School

Tweseldown Infant School

Year 1

This term in Year 1 we will be travelling all across the globe! Will we need our sun hats and sun cream or will we need our winter socks, gloves and hats? That is what we are going to find out! We will start off by exploring Antarctica and learning about where it is, what the conditions are like and how we might get there. We will then make comparisons to England and investigate parts of North Africa and the Sahara desert to find out if they are hot or cold? The children will then apply this learning to school and identify hot and cold places around the school and consider how this might change with the seasons during the school year. The children will create their own maps and symbols to show this.

Linking to our theme of ‘Hot or Cold?’, the children will investigate levers and sliders in Design Technology. The children will explore how these are made and think about what materials will be best for us to use when making our own. The children will create a design and then create their own levers picture. We will also be looking at what food would be appealing in the different hot and cold countries we are learning about and the children will be practising their knife cutting skills to prepare tasty treats for us all to try.

In computing, the children will be continuing to develop their skills using word. We will recap how to open a document and how to type as well as adjust the font. The children will then be inserting pictures into a document. We are looking forward to some great information about Antarctica being presented!

To support our learning this half term we will be having a drama workshop about exploring the hot and cold countries around the world. We also have our very exciting Sports Week where the children will get to try basketball, skateboarding and lots of fun sporting activities culminating in our Sports Day which you are invited to join us for on the Friday morning. We will also be celebrating D-Day on the 6th June by looking at the national celebrations and marking this important event in school. It really is another action packed and busy half term for the children and we hope they will thoroughly enjoy their last half term in Year 1 before the summer holidays!