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Tweseldown Infant School

Tweseldown Infant School

Year 2

It is hard to believe that we are now in the second half of the summer term, and so the final half-term at Tweseldown for the Year 2 children. We are really looking forward to lots of learning and some fun activities, as well as the Leaver’s assembly at the end of the term.

As it is the final term for Year 2, our topic is titled ‘On The Move!’ We will be discussing how it feels to move on to something new and how we manage the emotions involved in new experiences. Our History learning links into the topic as we focus on the changes in transport, both in the past and looking towards the future. As part of our learning about vehicles in the future the children will have the opportunity to design and make a vehicle of the future, using their DT knowledge of wheels and axles.

In PE we will be practising for Sports Day; developing our running, throwing and jumping talents. We are also looking forward to Sports week at the end of June when we will have the opportunity to try a range of sports. As this year is an Olympic year we will also learn about the history of the Olympics and the types of sporting events that take place.

Our English learning will see the children study a range of genres; including poetry, story writing and non-fiction writing. As part of their learning about space travel, the children will use their speaking and listening skills to act out interviews and present information about space missions. They will also write an explanation text based on their history learning about transport and travel. A focus for all writing this half term will be using a range of punctuation with accuracy, spelling key words accurately, using descriptive language, and editing and improving writing.

Problem solving will be a focus this half term in our Maths learning and we will undertake a range of problem solving activities in all aspects of the Maths curriculum, including Money. We will also learn how to use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction to check calculations and solve missing number problems.

We are excited to be continuing our Forest School sessions, and this half term will be using the opportunity to extend our Science knowledge. We will be looking at plants and what they need to grow, as well as how they produce seeds.

As the term and academic year draws to a close, our music knowledge will be applied in the performance of our Year 2 Leaver’s assembly when we will perform a range of songs. We will also put our drama skills into practice as we give our final Tweseldown performance!