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Tweseldown Infant School

Tweseldown Infant School

Year 2

After the autumn break we will be learning all about the wonderful weather; making note of the recent seasonal changes along the way.  

The children will use their senses to help them write some Autumnal-themed descriptive poetry where they will use expanded noun phrases, verbs and adverbs. We will encourage them to think about the crunchy, colourful leaves, smoky bonfires, cosy nights, chilly mornings and warm, comforting foods; drawing on their experiences at home. 

Soon after, the children will explore tale of The Snow Queen where they will practise describing settings and writing alternative endings. This is all before they become weather reporters and write informative scripts about the weather forecast. We can't wait to see how the children present when in role as a meteorologist. 

Much of this topic will have a geographical focus where the children will consider the key statement 'The sun is always shining in the UK.'  

Throughout, they will learn which countries build the UK and what their capital cities are (this knowledge will come in handy when presenting their forecasts), whilst exploring the differences in extreme weathers such as hurricanes, storms, flooding and droughts. 

To enhance our learning, we will be thinking about the different weathers we experience every day and how we can use them in our play. For example, we can play with shadows when it's sunny, jump in puddles when it rains and fly kites when it's windy, along with carrying out our own weather themed investigations. 

Eventually, the children will evaluate the key statement and present their responses using the knowledge, understanding and examples gathered during the topic.

In Science, the children will be learning about different materials and their properties whilst carrying out their own experiments to find out which materials will be best for different clothing designed for different weather conditions. 

In Maths, the children will be learning a range of strategies to help them calculate addition and subtraction number sentences, including bridging tens. They will draw upon their knowledge of number bonds to help them with this. First, we will do this with equipment before representing the calculations pictorially and on structured number lines. Throughout this unit the children will also learn about the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction, number families and finding the difference. 

Towards the end of term, we will think about the festive season. We know the children will be very excited and we will have some wonderful, creative learning for the children to undertake. The children will also be rehearsing and performing a Christmas performance for you to enjoy. 

Our RE learning, will support our understanding of the Christmas and other festive celebrations as we explore the theme of remembrance through Hanukah and Advent. 

Also, in DT the children will use their sewing skills to help them create a winter-themed gift bag. We know they will look forward to bringing them home to share over the festive season. 

During this term we will also have our Winter Warmer and Reindeer Run so there is lots to look forward to! 

The Year Two Team